You can see the dentist for a dental scrub and check-up at least twice a year. Such dental visits allow your dentist to determine your oral health, discuss any issues you might have and check for signs of any dental problems. It’s a relationship between you and your dentist to secure your teeth and your gums. We’ve mentioned a few useful tips below for better performance.
Choose The Right Dentist
It’s important that you find the best dental practice to match your needs. Choosing a supplier and dental practice that suits your lifestyle will improve the odds of keeping the dental appointments.
Provide An Accurate Health History
The key focus of your dentist and dental hygienist is your teeth, and your oral health’s general wellbeing. For examples, chronic health conditions such as HIV and diabetes raise the risk for gum disease.
Current Medications
Your dentist and hygienist will know the names and dosages of any prescription you routinely take, as well as any new drugs. There are other medications, such as allergy medicines, pain relievers, and anti-depressants, which can induce dry mouth, which can render you vulnerable to oral conditions such as tooth loss or gum disease.
Report Any Issues Right Away
If you have any complications during dental appointments such as bleeding gums or recurrent tooth ache, do not neglect these. Such signs may be an sign of bigger issues. The longer you try to resolve any dental problems, the more time and energy you waste. As early as possible contact the dentist to fix any problems when there are already minor ones.
Share Your Fears
Many may have fear or dental phobia. Speak to the dentist, and let him know just what you are concerned about. The main concern of your dentist is not only about your oral wellbeing but about making sure you feel confident and secure when being examined. It will take your dentist time to answer your questions and make you feel at ease.
Contact Us Today
Do you have your next six month dental check-up with Fairfield Periodontics scheduled? Make an appointment today by calling 203.878.8596 today!