Tag Archives: dental care

Maintain A Good Bedtime Oral Hygiene Routine

Oral Hygiene routine before going to bedMaintaining a good oral hygiene routine during bedtime is even more important than your routine in daytime. Anything can happen overnight, while you sleep. Food debris and bacteria can wreak havoc on your teeth and gums during sleep, when there is almost no bacteria-washing saliva produced. Most of us have enough time to brush our teeth properly at night but wait until we’re too exhausted to do so.

And when you sleep, there are many ways to improve and preserve good oral health. Here are a few helpful tips for getting through the evening.

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Improve Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers

manufacture of veneers, dental implants and crowns in the dental laboratory.Deformed or damaged teeth can inflict a significant blow to a person’s self-esteem. If you are looking to rejuvenate your smile, a number of cosmetic dental procedures are available. Porcelain veneers are amongst these procedures.

Veneers are a thin layer of porcelain that looks just like safe teeth ‘s surface, porcelain veneers can be used to cover up discolouration, bruises, and other unpleasantness, giving patients what they’ve always desired.

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?
At Fairfield Periodontics, we specialize in porcelain veneers with full smile makeovers. Porcelain veneers can be used for similar procedures such as dental bonding, and patients get as few as two visits to see the effects. Continue reading Improve Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers

Knowing About Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Cheer of heart. A patient with white and healthy smile in the center of a heart made from two hands of a doctor and a patient which is telling about pleasant emotions of the appointment.When you have several issues impacting your smile’s work, health and appearance, you may need a comprehensive procedure that incorporates medical, restorative, and general dental treatments. Problems with getting the smile you want are often difficult, but a complete mouth reconstruction can provide an effective solution when your mouth is not working as it should.

At Fairfield Periodontics we give patients with numerous dental problems what is known as a full-mouth reconstruction. This blog will help you understand more about this detailed approach, which will restore smiles and make you enjoy life again. Continue reading Knowing About Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Let Your Smile Show Your Personality

Porcelain VeneersWhat makes a great smile? Just the teeth? Blank teeth? Or maybe teeth with proportions similar to each other? A spectacular smile is more than the sum of its parts. At Fairfield Periodontics, we believe that there is another element in your perfect smile too, your unique personality.

What Is A Smile Makeover?
A smile makeover is a mix of dental treatments that can address any problems with your current smile. We’ll look at the health of your teeth first. If you have cavities or parodontal problems, we’ll first take care of that. Then, we become a dental cosmetic artist using all the necessary innovative treatments. Modern cosmetic dentistry offers a variety of treatments for restore the tooth. We have dental bonding, inlays and onlays at the very least invasive end. Often these procedures can be completed in a single visit. Porcelain veneers may address minor imperfections like chips and stains. A veneer can also correct the shape of a misaligned tooth. If you have non-structural sounding teeth, a porcelain crown may be necessary. The crowns we provide at Fairfield Periodontics blend perfectly with your existing teeth.

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Common Bad Habits That Affects Oral Health

A man with bad teeth and herpes on his lip holds a cigarette near his mouth, which is much whiter than his teethYour teeth are crafted with the proper care to last a lifetime. But bad habits, including chewing and excessive brushing, can really take a toll on your teeth. Tooth erosion, broken teeth, gum disease, and even tooth loss are only a couple of the detrimental impacts of poor oral habits. Here’s a look at some common behaviors that can hurt your oral health and some easy ways to stop them.

Aggressive Brushing – Too hard to brush your teeth can rub off the enamel in your tooth and irritate your gums.

Continue reading Common Bad Habits That Affects Oral Health

Veneers: Best Tooth Replacement!

Healthy white smile close up. Beauty woman with perfect smileIf you’re looking for a drastic change to your face, veneers might be the right choice for you. Veneers will make incredible improvements to your teeth whiteness and form, giving you a smile you can be comfortable in.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are small, custom shells that match your teeth. The veneers are coated with a high intensity curing light and then cleaned. For maximum esthetic value, the veneers are placed on the front surface of your tooth. That means teeth which look normal and attractive. Continue reading Veneers: Best Tooth Replacement!

Dental Procedures That Can Fix Your Smile

Closeup of happy smiling guyWhether for whatever reason you’re disappointed with your expression, don’t believe that there’s nothing you can do to help. Cosmetic dental procedures will greatly improve your appearance and confidence. There are nowadays many cosmetic dental therapies that can rectify old, impaired, or unsightly teeth, gums, and other mouth facets. Below are a few common dental beauty therapies to restore smiles.

Teeth Whitening For A Brighter Smile
A teeth whitening treatment will help if you find that your teeth are no longer a perfect shade of white. Whitening of teeth will spark a smile in no time. You no longer have a brown or yellow teeth to deal in. Alternatively, consider whitening your teeth to lighten the tone of your teeth and enhance your smile. This cosmetic dental treatment will improve morale significantly and help make people look younger. Continue reading Dental Procedures That Can Fix Your Smile

What Are The Major Tips When Getting A Filling

Dental fillingsNormally, when you go to the dentist there are two consequences. You will say that you’re all right (although you’re certainly supposed to floss more) and in six months they’ll see you or you’ll say the dreaded word … cavity.

Don’t worry, you are not alone. Nearly 90 per cent of individuals had a void in their lives. Your dentist can take care of the hole fairly easily and with ease by bringing in a filling. And, if you are one of those people who already either had or have a hollow, here is what you need to know about fillings.

What is filling? 

Clearly put, a filling is precisely as it looks. This is a tool used to fill up the tooth with a hole called a “cavity.” These gaps may be caused by rotting of the tooth, splitting from grinding the teeth or some other form of trauma. Continue reading What Are The Major Tips When Getting A Filling

Choosing The Right Toothbrush For Your Teeth

Fun young woman with three toothbrushesEach toothbrush is almost the same, right? Fake and you may be shocked to find out why. Many dental problems may be best suited to other dentures, and others may be harder to handle on the gums, or safer off hard plaques.

You possibly never intended to pick for yourself the perfect toothbrush, but we have a number of tips to help you make the safest, most knowledgeable decision.

About The Toothbrush Bristles

There is a range of bristles out there but, for most of us, soft bristles are the way to go. Not only is this unlikely to cause irritation to your gums but also it won’t wear down the enamel on your teeth. If you need a tougher bristle, your dentist will likely let you know.

Along those lines, you also want to look for a toothbrush with a small head on it. This means that the toothbrush can more effectively reach hard-to-get places which will result in a better clean every single brush. And that’s key to good dental health: Cleaning as much of your teeth as possible and doing it on a regular basis. So next time you’re out buying a toothbrush, make sure it is the right size for your mouth. Continue reading Choosing The Right Toothbrush For Your Teeth

Periodontal Scaling and Root Planting

Mouth checkupScaling or deep washing is a no-chirurgical periodontal procedure in which the tartar, bacterial pollutants and etiological agents are removed which trigger inflammatory gum tissue and the underlying bone. The goal of scale-out and root flushing is to remove bacteria and restore support systems for the teeth to stable environments which can be safeguarded by home care and skilled assistance in our offices.

Scaling And Root Planing

Scaling or deep washing is a no-chirurgical periodontal procedure in which the tartar, bacterial pollutants and etiological agents are removed which trigger inflammatory gum tissue and the underlying bone. The goal of scale-out and root flushing is to remove bacteria and restore support systems for the teeth to stable environments which can be safeguarded by home care and skilled assistance in our offices.

Continue reading Periodontal Scaling and Root Planting

Types Of Illness That Will Cause periodontal Disease

Man with toothacheYour smile is the window for your overall health in dentistry. That’s why you have to wash the toothpaste and float twice a day every night before your bed and visit our daily professional teeth cleaning clinic. If you do not take the necessary steps to remove plaque from your teeth and gums, you can develop periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has an overall well-being serious effect.


There is a connection between gum and diabetes. Periodontal diseases are more prevalent in diabetics. Persons with diabetes have a suppressed immune system which makes them more likely to become infected. You are more at risk with periodontal conditions and have serious side effects if your diabetes symptoms are not managed. Periodontal disease may cause the teeth to be lost and gums to bleed blood. Inform your dentist always of improvements to your wellbeing, such as diabetes.

Continue reading Types Of Illness That Will Cause periodontal Disease

How To Know You Have Gum Disease?

Gum DiseaseThe mouth is an incredible microcosm of oral bacteria that live in tissue. The bacteria operate most often in perfect harmony with the mouth tissues, but the sour note, which is periodontal infection, often disturbs harmony.

Periodontal disease is a term that encompasses several different conditions that affect the areas around the teeth. The term comes from the Latin word “peri”, meaning around and the Greek word “odont”, meaning tooth. The term used to describe the study of the teeth and the supporting structures around them are called Periodontology. The dental specialty dedicated to the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease is called Periodontics.

The group of diseases that fall under periodontal disease all have the same end results, inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), destruction of the periodontal ligament, loss of bone support, and finally tooth loss. Of the people who develop gingivitis, 10-15% will develop more advanced periodontal disease. About 70% of the people who develop more advanced forms of periodontal disease will develop the chronic form of the disease that worsens as the patient ages. The other 30% will develop different forms and patterns of disease. Continue reading How To Know You Have Gum Disease?

Do I Need To Go To The Dentist To Whiten My Teeth?

Perfect White TeethTeeth whitening: are you doing it on your own or seeing the dentist? This question is now being posed on the internet by millions of people. In the counter whitening, there are so many products to choose from. Many of the whitening kits claim to be as good as a dentist’s procedure. That’s the case? Not according to the American Dental Association (ADA).

A research on the risks of using DIY teeth whitening kits was published by the ADA in 2009. The ADA states that you can damage the surface of your teeth and the nerve endings without proper supervision. You can also injure your gum tissue, get upset with poorly fitted mouth guards, and experience uneven whitening and pitting.

Continue reading Do I Need To Go To The Dentist To Whiten My Teeth?

How Will You Know You Have A Gum Disease?

dentist holding dental modelThe mouth is an amazing microcosm of bacteria living in the oral tissue. The bacteria mostly function in perfect harmony with the tissues of the mouth, but sometimes the sour note, which is parodontal disease, interferes with the harmony.

Periodontal disease is a term that includes various conditions affecting the areas around the teeth. The phrase comes from the Latin word “peri,” which means around and the Greek word “odont,” which means teeth. The term used to describe the study of the teeth is called periodontology and the supporting structures around them. Periodontics is the dental specialty dedicated to the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

The group of diseases that fall under periodontal disease all have the same end results, inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), destruction of the periodontal ligament, loss of bone support, and finally tooth loss. Of the people who develop gingivitis, 10-15% will develop more advanced periodontal disease. About 70% of the people who develop more advanced forms of periodontal disease will develop the chronic form of the disease that worsens as the patient ages. The other 30% will develop different forms and patterns of disease. Continue reading How Will You Know You Have A Gum Disease?

Avoiding Dry Socket after Wisdom Teeth Removal

A man after removing a wisdom tooth. The operation to remove the eighth teethAfter removing wisdom teeth, dry socket can occur and can be an extremely painful, unpleasant condition, although only temporary. If lower wisdom teeth have been lost, it is more likely to occur rather than the higher ones. Fortunately, it affects fewer than 5 percent of patients, but steps can be taken to avoid it.

socket is just hole in the bone that extracted the tooth. It will fill with blood that will then clot and protect the underlying bone and nerves until healing occurs. For healing, the blood clot is essential. This can lead to dry socket if the blood clot is dislodged.

What occurs then is the exposure of the bone and nerves to dust and food particles, bacteria and saliva that can be in the place where the blood clot is meant to be.

Continue reading Avoiding Dry Socket after Wisdom Teeth Removal

How To Make A Dental Visit Successful?

Dental VisitYou should visit and check for a dental cleaning at least twice a year. These dental appointments allow your dentist to assess your oral health, address any concerns you may have, and look for signs of any dental problems. It’s a relationship between you and your dentist to preserve your teeth and gums. We’ve mentioned a few helpful tips below for the best results.

Choose The Right Dentist

It is important to find the right dental practice that will fit your needs. Selecting a provider and dental office that fits your personality will make you more likely to keep your dental appointments.

Continue reading How To Make A Dental Visit Successful?

Cosmetic Dentistry Is More Than Just Esthetics

Young woman choosing color of teeth at dentist, closeupPatients are opting for cosmetic dentistry for variety of reasons. Some would like to appear younger, others just want to smile without feeling self-conscious. Whatever the reason you’re searching for these facilities, the advantages of cosmetic dentistry in physical and mental health are numerous.

If you opt for teeth whitening, straightening, or veneers, it could give you a noticeable confidence boost. Walking into a room with a straight, white smile will make you feel way more confident than the alternative. Getting your teeth professionally taken care of will make you feel better all around. Continue reading Cosmetic Dentistry Is More Than Just Esthetics

What Are The Cause Of Losing Teeth?

Teeth cureFairfield, CT – Many consequences of losing teeth are noticeable, like the changes in the way you look and speak. Those results often cause low self-esteem and a lack of confidence that can make it difficult to develop new relationships or find jobs that require interacting with the public. You may suffer from embarrassment and insecurity because you look older than your true age and feel that people seem to notice your teeth more than they notice your attractive features.

However, some consequences of tooth loss are not so apparent, and those are even more serious due to the impact they have on your health. Bones must have a certain amount of stimulation to retain their solidity and shape, and supplying that stimulation to your jawbone is one of the important functions performed by your teeth. The brief contacts your teeth have with each other every day produce a continuous regeneration of bone. Therefore, loss of a tooth or teeth usually results in some loss of jawbone, eventual partial collapse of your lower face, sagging lips and risk of jaw fracture. You may also develop joint pain in your jaws as well as bite problems because your remaining teeth may partially move into spaces formerly occupied by your missing teeth. Continue reading What Are The Cause Of Losing Teeth?

What is Periodontal Disease and Pocket Depth?

GumsPeriodontal disease is highly prevalent in adults across the United States. It is important to regularly see your dentist so you can catch this condition early on and undergo proper treatment. We help patients prevent and treat gum disease, as well as educate them regarding the ways they can keep their gums healthy.

Measuring Pocket Depths
A periodontal probe is gently used to measure the sulcus (pocket or space) between the tooth and the gums. The depth of a healthy sulcus measures three millimeters or less and does not bleed. The periodontal probe helps indicate if pockets are deeper than three millimeters. As periodontal disease progresses, the pockets usually get deeper.
Continue reading What is Periodontal Disease and Pocket Depth?

Visit Your Periodontics For A Check-up

Happy patientVisit Your Periodontist

Many people stand the risk of getting gum disease because of poor oral hygiene. Consequently, they might need to visit a periodontist for evaluation and treatment. Most dentists can routinely treat a mild type of gum disease. However, if the gum disease is progressed to a complicated state, most dentists prefer that the patient see a specialist for an in-depth assessment. A periodontist specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gum diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. Some of the services a periodontist offer include: tooth extraction; deep gum cleaning; placement of implants, root therapy; cosmetic dental procedures and any type of surgery to the jaw bone.

Having Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral Hygiene is important to maintain healthy gums and for preventing periodontal disease. When you don’t brush and floss at least twice daily, you allow plaque to build up on your teeth. Over time, the plaque turns into tartar, which leads to inflammation and eventually infection of the gums. This is known as gingivitis. Even though gingivitis is manageable and mild, if it’s not treated properly, it can become significant and permanent. Some of the signs of gingivitis include swelling of gums, soreness in gums and bleeding gums when brushing and flossing. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a periodontist as soon as possible to discuss treatment. Continue reading Visit Your Periodontics For A Check-up

How To Protect Your Smile At Night?

Young woman sleepingTaking good care of your teeth and gums is a 24/7 endeavor. You may already know that dentists recommend brushing in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, but you may not be aware of other steps you should be taking at night to protect your oral health. Continue reading How To Protect Your Smile At Night?

The Differences in Cavities, Decay & Caries

difference in cavities, decay, and cariesGood dental hygiene is important to keep teeth whole and healthy. The idea is to prevent dental caries. Caries is a disease that leads to tooth decay and cavities. That is simple enough to say, but what are caries, tooth decay, and cavities? What do they do to your teeth, and how are they prevented? Here is a look at what they are and how they are related.

What Is Caries

Caries is a disease process. It occurs when bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar in the food you eat and produce acids that leach minerals from your teeth. As the mineral levels in the tooth decrease, a white patch appears where the tooth enamel is getting weaker. This is the beginning of tooth decay. At this point, the damage might be reversible with fluoride. Continue reading The Differences in Cavities, Decay & Caries

When Can A Child Visit A Dentist?

First Visit To the DentistParents of newborn babies have a lot to deal with, from diapers to doctor appointments. Worrying about taking your baby to a dentist doesn’t have to happen until after the baby gets his or her first tooth – but how soon after that?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children should visit a dentist by the time they are one year old. A good time to make the first appointment is when your baby gets his first tooth. If that seems a little early, consider that one in four preschoolers have cavities before they are four years old, with many kids getting their first cavity by the age of two.

Your child’s first dental visit is usually a short one designed to acquaint the child with the dentist and dentist’s office and to let you talk to the dentist about your child’s oral health. The dentist can tell you about fluoride, answer any concerns you have about thumb sucking or pacifier use and tell you what to expect as far as teething is concerned. Take the time to ask the dentist any questions you have, because this first visit is for you as well as your child. Continue reading When Can A Child Visit A Dentist?

Getting To Know Gum Disease

Gum DiseaseGum disease, also known as periodontal disease, affects many people from all walks of life. It is estimated that more than 80% of the U.S. population suffers from some form of gingival inflammation or infection and most people are not aware of it. Symptoms can range from mild gum irritation and swelling to serious damage to the gums and even the jaw bones. If not treated, gum disease can worsen and spread, making it vital to practice preventative care and control infections before they become severe.

What Causes Gum Disease?
The human mouth is filled with bacteria. These bacteria often feed off of food particles left behind in a person’s mouth, and the result is a sticky plaque that clings to the teeth. Continue reading Getting To Know Gum Disease

The Painful Stage Of Gum Disease

aching gumsGum disease causes the inflammation of the gums, and leads to severe damage of the enamel. Due to irregular brushing, a sticky colorless or pale deposit, known as plaque,starts affecting teeth and gums as well. The bacteria present in plaque are responsible for different gum diseases.In extreme cases, your teeth have to be removed by a dentist.

The Stages of Gum Diseases

Close study has revealed three different stages of gum diseases: Continue reading The Painful Stage Of Gum Disease

Let’s Get Some Dental X-Rays!

Teeth having x-rayYour dentist may take dental x-rays if your are a new patient, have not been seen in a while, or are in for a follow-up visit after dental treatment. Below are the most common type of x-rays that would be taken and the reasons why:

Bitewing x-rays help dentists look at bone levels between teeth, cavities between teeth, and the health of the bone between teeth.

Periapical x-rays help dentists look at the root tips of teeth, the bone around teeth, abscesses, and other pathology.

Complete Series is a combination of bitewing and periapical radiographs that shows all the teeth, roots and related areas of the jaws.

Panoramic x-rays help visualize wisdom teeth, TMJ’s, major pathology in the jaws and sinuses, and help see areas of missing teeth. Continue reading Let’s Get Some Dental X-Rays!

Make Oral Health Your Night Time Habit

hygiene routineMaintaining a good bedtime oral hygiene routine is even more important than your daytime one. A lot can happen overnight while you are sleeping. Food debris and bacteria can wreak havoc on your teeth and gums during sleep time, when there is almost no saliva produced to wash away bacteria. Most of us have more time at night to properly clean our teeth, but wait until we are too tired to do so.

There are many ways to improve and maintain good oral health, even while you sleep. Here are a few helpful tips to get through the night. Continue reading Make Oral Health Your Night Time Habit

Have A Perfect Smile With Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain VeneersHaving distorted tarnished or damaged teeth can cause a tremendous blow on a person’s self-esteem. If you are looking to rejuvenate your smile, there are a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Among such procedures are porcelain veneers.

Veneers are a thin layer of porcelain that appears exactly like the surface of healthy teeth, porcelain veneers can be used to cover up discoloration, fractures, and other unsightliness, giving patients the they have always wanted.

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?
At Fairfield Periodontics, we specialize in complete smile makeovers with porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers can be used with similar procedures like dental bonding, and patients get to see the results in as little as two visits. Continue reading Have A Perfect Smile With Porcelain Veneers

Show Your Personality With Great Smile

Great SmileWhat makes up a perfect smile? Straight teeth? White teeth? Or perhaps teeth with pleasing proportions relative to one another? A stunning smile is more than the sum of its parts. At Fairfield Periodontics, we believe that your perfect smile also contains another element, your unique personality.

What Is A Smile Makeover?
A smile makeover is a combination of dental procedures that remedy any problems with your existing smile. We will first look at the health of your teeth. If you have cavities or periodontal issues, we take care of that first. Then, we becomes a cosmetic dental artist using all the revolutionary treatments available. Modern cosmetic dentistry offers a multitude of tooth restoration treatments. On the least invasive end we have dental bonding, inlays and onlays. These procedures can often be completed in just one visit. Porcelain veneers can address small imperfections such as chips and stains. A veneer can also correct the shape of a tooth that is misaligned.If you have teeth that are not structurally sound, you may need a porcelain crown. The crowns we provide at Fairfield Periodontics blend perfectly with your existing teeth. Continue reading Show Your Personality With Great Smile

Need Veneers with those Smiles?

Dental VeneersIf you are looking for a dramatic improvement to your smile, then veneers might be the perfect option for you. Veneers can make incredible changes to the whiteness and shape of your teeth, giving you a smile that you can feel confident about.


What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells that are custom fit to your teeth. Veneers are bonded and then dried with a high intensity curing light. Veneers are placed on the front surface of your tooth for maximum aesthetic value. That means natural and attractive looking teeth. Continue reading Need Veneers with those Smiles?