Fairfield Periodontics

Having distorted tarnished or damaged teeth can cause a tremendous blow on a person’s self-esteem. If you are looking to rejuvenate your smile, there are a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Among such procedures are porcelain veneers.

Veneers are a thin layer of porcelain that appears exactly like the surface of healthy teeth, porcelain veneers can be used to cover up discoloration, fractures, and other unsightliness, giving patients the they have always wanted.

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?
At Fairfield Periodontics, we specialize in complete smile makeovers with porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers can be used with similar procedures like dental bonding, and patients get to see the results in as little as two visits.

Porcelain veneers are very durable and can last for decades with regular brushing and oral care. They are incredibly lifelike and can really blend well in with your natural teeth. Porcelain material should never discolor or stain, provided that you follow recommended hygiene and maintenance procedures.

Do You Need Porcelain Veneers?
Veneers are a cosmetic dentistry procedure used to improve the look of misshapen, gapped, chipped, stained, or discolored teeth. However, the veneers also have the added benefit of helping protect the teeth from further damage and also restoring their morphology, which means that the teeth become more functional because of their improved form and structure.

Why Are Veneers Important To A Smile Makeover?
A smile makeover is far more than just concealing unsightly damaged, stained or misshapen teeth. The idea of a smile makeover is to totally transform the teeth to improve the smile’s attractivités, patients function and dental health. This requires careful analysis of each patient’s face shape, coloration and history. When you change your smile, you change the overall appearance of your face. We realizes this and is skilled at creating a smile that perfectly fits your face and is in proportion to your particular bone structure and facial contours.

Prior to veneers, a smile makeover often involved lengthy, painful, and intrusive procedures. The development of dental veneers gave patients an alternative. Drastic actions were no longer needed to correct the appearance of a tooth. Veneers allowed cosmetic dentists to correct the color, shape and spacing of teeth simultaneously. The smile makeover can be completed quickly and easily with veneers.

Contact Fairfield Periodontics
If you are considering a smile makeover, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule your initial consultation. Come experience the difference that we can make for both your smile and for your life. Call us today at 203.878.8596.