Tag Archives: Gum Health

Visit Your Periodontics For A Check-up

Happy patientVisit Your Periodontist

Many people stand the risk of getting gum disease because of poor oral hygiene. Consequently, they might need to visit a periodontist for evaluation and treatment. Most dentists can routinely treat a mild type of gum disease. However, if the gum disease is progressed to a complicated state, most dentists prefer that the patient see a specialist for an in-depth assessment. A periodontist specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gum diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. Some of the services a periodontist offer include: tooth extraction; deep gum cleaning; placement of implants, root therapy; cosmetic dental procedures and any type of surgery to the jaw bone.

Having Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral Hygiene is important to maintain healthy gums and for preventing periodontal disease. When you don’t brush and floss at least twice daily, you allow plaque to build up on your teeth. Over time, the plaque turns into tartar, which leads to inflammation and eventually infection of the gums. This is known as gingivitis. Even though gingivitis is manageable and mild, if it’s not treated properly, it can become significant and permanent. Some of the signs of gingivitis include swelling of gums, soreness in gums and bleeding gums when brushing and flossing. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a periodontist as soon as possible to discuss treatment. Continue reading Visit Your Periodontics For A Check-up

Best Ways To Keep Your Gums Healthy

Beautiful woman smileThere are several unique ways to keep your gums healthy and maintain regular oral hygiene. Here are a few easy and practical methods, prescribed by doctors.

Intake of Vitamin C: foods rich in vitamin C can help in avoiding any gum diseases or infections. Fruits like strawberries, papayas, oranges, grapes, and lemons are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that are not only healthy for your body but are also beneficial for your gums. They help with the growth of body tissues and with the regeneration of bones. Rubbing lemon juice and a little bit of salt on irritated gums can also temporarily relieve pain.

Rinse with Hydrogen Peroxide: you may have heard about the benefits of using hydrogen peroxide when it comes to clean ear wax! Well, it is also useful for keeping gum infections and inflammations at bay. Mix a ½ teaspoon of peroxide powder into about half a cup of water and rinse your mouth regularly with it. This method is also used in case of toothache to ease the pain. Continue reading Best Ways To Keep Your Gums Healthy